
Penetration Testing for the Die Hard Fan

Written by EJ Phillips | Nov 21, 2023 8:23:01 PM

Penetration testing, commonly referred to as pen testing, is a proactive cybersecurity approach that employs controlled cyberattacks to uncover and evaluate security flaws in computer systems, networks, applications, or entire organizations. The goal of penetration testing is to assess the security of a target system and help organizations understand their overall security posture. Think of it this way, our favorite Christmas movie would’ve been really short and Hans Gruber wouldn’t have stood a chance if the owners of Nakatomi Plaza had done penetration testing and been able to shore up all their vulnerabilities.

What’s involved in penetration testing?

Preparation and Planning:

The first step in penetration testing is to define the scope of the test. This includes identifying the target systems or networks, specifying the testing methodology, and setting the rules of engagement.

The testing team, often referred to as "ethical hackers" or "penetration testers," plans the attack scenarios and objectives.


Penetration testers gather information about the target, which might include network architecture, software used, and potential vulnerabilities.

This phase can involve both passive techniques (e.g., open-source intelligence gathering) and active techniques (e.g., port scanning).

In our Die Hard scenario, it definitely would’ve included looking at some blueprints.


During this phase, the testers use tools to scan the target systems for open ports, services, and potential vulnerabilities.


In this critical phase, penetration testers attempt to exploit the identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access.

They might use techniques such as SQL injection, buffer overflows, or social engineering to breach the target systems.


After gaining access, the testers attempt to maintain control over the target systems, often by escalating privileges.

The goal is to demonstrate the potential impact of a real-world cyberattack.


A comprehensive report is generated detailing the vulnerabilities found, the impact of successful attacks, and recommendations for remediation.

The report typically includes severity ratings for vulnerabilities, which can help organizations prioritize their response.

I mean just imagine if John McClane had had this information.

Benefits of Penetration Testing for Small Businesses:

Identifying Vulnerabilities:

Penetration testing uncovers vulnerabilities that may not be apparent through routine security measures. Small businesses often lack dedicated cybersecurity staff, making penetration testing an effective way to discover and address weaknesses.

Mitigating Risk:

By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before cybercriminals can exploit them, penetration testing helps mitigate the risk of data breaches and other cyber incidents, which can be costly and damaging to a small business's reputation.

Compliance Requirements:

Many industries and regulatory bodies require regular security assessments, making penetration testing a crucial component for staying compliant with data protection regulations and industry standards.

Improving Security Awareness:

Penetration testing educates employees and management about potential security risks, helping to foster a security-aware culture within the organization.

Prioritizing Security Investments:

The testing report provides guidance on where to allocate resources for maximum security improvement, helping small businesses make informed decisions about their cybersecurity budget.

Reputation Protection:

A successful penetration test helps small businesses demonstrate their commitment to data security to customers and partners, enhancing their reputation and trustworthiness.

Incident Response Preparation:

Penetration testing can also help small businesses develop and refine their incident response plans, ensuring a rapid and effective response in case of a real cyberattack.

In conclusion, Die Hard is a Christmas movie and penetration testing is a proactive and strategic approach to cybersecurity that provides small businesses with essential insights into their security posture, helping them protect their data, assets, and reputation in an increasingly digital and connected world. It is an investment in cybersecurity that can ultimately save a business from potentially devastating cyberattacks and financial losses.